Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A couple tutorials

Though the second post already leads to one of the tutorials, there's a page of 6 or 7 tutorials, all related to NND. It can be found here. There's also 2 tutorials on what 歌ってみた are from the 'usual' approach and the 'anime' approach.
By the way, I WILL be making posts that don't just link to other posts, I'm just trying to start this off here...>.<

The Lingo

Just like English has a bunch of slang words and phrases (ftw, lol, lmao, omg, etc.), Japanese does, as well. By no means am I going to attempt to teach Japanese on here (if you really want to learn, and you prefer that it be online, I strongly suggest going here), but I'll at least give you a rough idea of what the comments are all about. I think a good place to start learning about them is here. Another good post by the same person about live broadcasts on NND can be found here.
Have fun! ^.^


I think that to start this blog off, registering would be a good first step. When it comes to YouTube, you don't need to be signed in to watch videos, but on NND, you can't watch them without an account. Therefore, here is a link to get you started. I didn't make the post on the link, so don't give me credit, please! Enjoy!